Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ang Lee’s Treatment of the Romance between his two Protagonists in “The Wedding Banquet”

Ang Lee’s Treatment of the Romance between his two Supporters in â€Å"The Wedding Banquet† Introduction The two supporters in Ang Lee’s movie are Simon and Wai Tung. These are two cheery lovers from different parts of the universe, but populating in America. Ang Lee treats love affair in the movie as a complicated affair affecting non merely two persons but besides other stakeholders in their lives, such as, friends and relations. In this essay, I shall show that Ang Lee treats love affair as a complex phenomenon that triumphs despite the obstructions. Body Harmonizing to Lee’s movie, the love affair complication is that Wai Tung and Simon is a cheery twosome who lives in Manhattan. Wai Tung’s parents are conservative and want to see their boy acquire married and bear them a grandchild in order to go on their household line of descent. However, the love affair between Wai Tung and Simon is so strong that they decide to continue it, while they look out for a solution that would affect Wai’s parents. For case, the cheery twosome spends a batch of money in individual nines with an purpose of acquiring Wai perfect bride. To cover up their romantic relationship, Simon suggests that Wai Tung and Wei Wei, their renter who besides has a romantic complication with a Caucasic adult male, prosecute in a fraud matrimony. Wei Wei readily accepts the matrimony thought majorly because she is despairing to go on remaining in America ; hence the demand for a green card ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.265 ) . The matrimony between is planned in a such a manner that the Wei Wei will remain in America, Wai’s parents will be happy about the intelligence, and that she will go forth the two work forces together enjoy their romantic relationship. This is a clear indicant of a strong love relationship between the supporters, as they are willing to take immense hazards in order to stay happy together. The determination is a slippery one because it is against the in-migration ordinances to remain in the state without a green card or proper mandate. Therefore, the two could be charged for fraud if the governments get wind of their programs. It is besides hazardous because it is against their parents’ want to prosecute in a fraud matrimony. Nevertheless, the possible benefits if the planned matrimony tend to dominate the hazards and the three move on with their programs ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.267 ) . Thinking they besides need to gull the governments, Wai and Wei Wei work on familiarising with each other in order to obtain the in-migration license. It is merely when Wai’s parents, the Gaos announce that they are winging in to go to their son’s nuptials that everyone is thrown into a terror. However, the program can still work efficaciously if merely the three plotters work hard to retrieve and make their functions for the two hebdomads the Gaos will be in the metropolis. The events that follow seem to negatively impact the love affair between Wai and Simon ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.277 ) . Their program about goes through as Wai-Tung’s parents fly in from Taiwan for their son’s nuptials. The luxuriant nuptials feast causes so many complications, as Wei Wei rapes the ‘husband’ and becomes pregnant. Mr. Gao, Wai Tung’s father gets to cognize the truth and sacrifices his traditions for his son’s felicity by following Simon. Ang Lee depicts a same-sex love affair, between two work forces from different racial backgrounds. The love affair between Wei Wei and the Caucasic adult male is inhibited by the cultural and racial difference ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.275 ) . Besides, the nuptials ceremonial takes topographic point without a enlistment. Simon offers to take them out for dinner and they run into Mr. Gao’s old companion. The comrade’s thought to throw a nuptials feast for the twosome in award of his old commanding officer, Mr. Gao puts the program whole program off balance. After a exuberant and intoxicant filled party, the nuptial twosome goes to bed, where things get complicated. In another attempted love affair between Wei and Wai, the former rapes the groom and subsequently realizes that she is pregnant. As a consequence, this becomes a serious job to the homosexual lovers, as that would deteriorate their love relationship. Simon gets annoyed by the bend of events, likely out of green-eyed monster. Lee besides demonstrates love affair as a self-generated and that can irresistible. This is seen in the in the movie when when Simon and Wai are caught by Mr Gao seeking to mouse into an afternoon sex session. This happens when the cheery twosome thinks that no 1 is in the house. The passionately kiss in the anteroom and deprive each other as they climb the steps. Unfortunately, Mr. Gao is watching and their cupboard love affair is discovered. Ang Lee treats love affair between same sex persons as unacceptable and immoral. This is seen through the manner he makes the characters in the movie behave. For case, Simon and Wai are in secret in love with one another and hope to transport on their relationship behind their parents’ back. This is because it is obvious that the parents will non O.K. of such a relationship, particularly now that they are traditional Chinese who want a grandchild ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.267 ) . Therefore, the movie author depicts a cheery love affai r as a frailty in the society that the victims try difficult to conceal it from everyone else. Compared to Wong Kar-wai’s movie, In the Mood for love, love affair is brought approximately as a complicated matter between a adult male and adult female, who are following door neighbours ( Marcus & A ; Nicholls 2004, p.545 ) . The supporters in this movie are Chow Mo-wan who is a journalist, and Su Li-zhen who is a secretary in a transportation company ( Cui 2007, p.4 ) . The complication in their relationship lies in the manner the love affair began. Leery that their several partners are rip offing on them, they unconsciously develop feelings for each other. Therefore, the supporters in the movie illustrate that love affair is self-generated and resistless ( Chow 2007, p.65 ) . Ang Lee besides seems to be pass oning a critical message through love affair in the movie that nil remains concealed for long despite the battle to make so. When Simon and Wai’s complicated love relationship is eventually discovered by Mr. Gao, it becomes clear that anything done in secret can ever come out in the visible radiation ; that is truth ever triumphs. Even after his find, Mr. Gao tries to maintain the issue to himself without stating the married woman. This, nevertheless, does non stay a secret for long as Wai Tung succumbs to coerce and defeat of the secret and decides to state the female parent the truth. For case, after his father’s 2nd shot and frequent battles between him, Wei Wei and Simon, Wai opens up to the female parent who is absolutely surprised ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.268 ) . Correspondingly, Wong Kar-wai, demonstrates that love affair can non be hidden for long. In every bit much as the film’s supporters are seeking to conceal their love relationship, it finally comes out in the unfastened for the neighbours to see. Although Chow and Su are seeking to conceal their feelings from each other, they eventually decide to acknowledge it. Therefore, love affair is a natural phenomenon that is neither difficult to conceal nor stamp down and that the earlier the stakeholders involved accept it, the better for the parties involved ( Martin & A ; Heinrich 2006, p.32 ) . Ang Lee’s movie besides dares to convey out love affair through an unusual manner ; gay relationship between the supporters. The society is evidently non amused by such a relationship and in fact discourages it by all agencies. However, through the movie, Jay Lee bravely makes it clear to the spectator that cheery relationships are existent, no affair how hard the society efforts to stamp down it. Through the movie, Lee shows that love affair can be good between opposite sex persons every bit good as same sex spouses. For illustration, Wei Wei was in a romantic relationship with a Caucasic adult male, but her parents would non O.K. of the relationship. The same sex love affair is illustrated by the love between Simon and Wei ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.270 ) . On contrast, Wong Kar-wai, brings out love affair in a normal manner between a adult male and a adult female ; Chow and Su. Compared to the homosexual love affair between Simon and Wai, Chow and Su’s relationship is acceptable in the society. However, the relationship is criticized by the sixtiess conservative Chinese who find a friendly relationship between a adult male and a adult female as Wyrd. In an attempt to maintain their relationship platonic, the two autumn for each other. Besides, they do non desire to crouch excessively low as their cheating partners, yet the terminal up as lovers ( Chow 2007, p.65 ) . Even though the society disapproves of such relationships, Lee depicts that it thrives despite all odds. This is illustrated by the instance of the two supporters in the film. Although Wai’s male parent is so aghast to detect the truth about his boy that he suffers a shot, he eventually accepts his position. He even goes to a great extent to back up him by following Simon as his boy. Likewise, Mrs. Gao learns to accept the state of affairs. This makes the two vanquishers as their love relationship continues in malice of the social opposition. Wong Kar-wai in the movie ‘In the Mood for Love’ illustrates a normal love relationship between a adult male and a adult female ; Chow and Su ( Smith 2010, p.173 ) . The movie depicts the love affair between Chow and Su as successful one in the beginning ( Deutelbaum & A ; Poague 2009, p.51 ) . Nevertheless, factors including distance and work affect their relationship a great trade. Chow decides to work in Singapore and leav es behind Su. Finally, the love affair between them of course dies ( Martin & A ; Heinrich 2006, p.56 ) . In add-on, Ang Lee’s treats love affair between the two supporters as a natural and self-generated phenomenon. It is demonstrated as a state of affairs that exists between two persons who feel common attractive force and trust between themselves without much attempt. As the movie unfolds, it is clear that the love affair between Simon and Wai started through a phone conversation. Lee uses telephones as a symbol of cheery familiarity. The telephones besides enhance the being of the cupboard and unfavourably impact the familiarity. Besides, their first buss happens after both of them had a conversation to prove the cellular telephone that Simon bought Wai ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.275 ) . What is more, merely as in any other normal love relationship, Lee portrays the love affair between Simon and Wai as strong and existent. Normally, lovers tend to interchange gifts as an look of love. In this instance, Simon buys Wai a portable phone so as to heighten communicating between them. Furthermore, lovers in existent life scenario tend to make one another favours as a manner of showing their feelings. In this instance, Lee depicts a strong love love affair between the supporters through the same ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.275 ) . On the contrary, the cupboard love affair in the drama is besides facilitated by the telephone. Wai’s parents’ presence can be felt in the homosexual relationship even before they land in New York. This happens through the late dark and long distance calls, which serve to interfere with the couple’s slumber. As good, the homosexual relationship in the movie is created by telephone, which may be disembodied and romanticized, but can besides be free of a position of homosexual gender as merely sex ; cold, unemotional, and sterile. The conversation on phone aid to unify the characters and underlines their ignorance and isolation of each other’s feelings. For Wai, the telephone communicating helps to maintain prolong the cupboard ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.276 ) . In the movie, Jay Lee besides treats love affair as a phenomenon that cuts across racial boundaries in the universe. This is against the traditional position of looking at love affair as possible and should go on between two persons within one racial, spiritual, political, and societal association. The instance of Simon and Wai drives Lee’s message on love affair place. The fact that the two lovers come from different parts of the universe proves that love affair can absolutely go on across different civilizations and races. Simon is an American piece Wai is an Asia, yet they are involved in a strong romantic relationship. Apart from being involved in a homosexual relationship, the two are cross-cultural lovers, something against the traditions of Wai’s conservative parents. The fact that Wai’s parents’ have ever been pressing him to acquire himself a perfect Chinese lady to get married and acquire them a grandchild confirms that they do non O.K. of a cros s-cultural or cross-racial matrimony or love affair non to advert cheery matrimony. Therefore, Jay Lee treats the love affair in the movie as diverse phenomenon ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000 p.274 ) . By contrast, Wong Kar-wai movie depicts a complicated love affair between a two Chinese persons, Chow and Su. While Lee shows that love affair knows no cultural, spiritual, political, geographical, and racial boundaries, Wong Kar-wai portrays a love affair that suffers because of work and geographical barriers. Chow and Su’s love affair seems weakened by the distance that finally develops when Chow relocates to Singapore. This leaves the spectator inquiring whether the love affair was non merely meant for convenience as it looks superficial ( Chow 2007, p.65 ) . Further, Lee’s movie demonstrates that love affair can be and boom against all odds. This is illustrated when the supporters in the movie win in acquiring married. Wai and Simon successfully maintain their relationship. Nevertheless, Wong Kar-wai shows that love affair is hindered by assorted factors including work and distance. For case, when Chow moves to Singapore for work, he leaves Su behind ( Martin & A ; Heinrich 2006, p.34 ) . What is more, Lee demonstrates love affair as a dearly-won matter. This implies that for love affair to thrive in any society, a batch of costs are incurred by the parties involved. Lee uses love affair between Simon and Wai to demo this. Since Wai’s household insist on him get marrieding a Chinese lady, the love affair between them greatly affected the household. In fact, their opposition to the homosexual love affair caused Mr. Gao to endure a shot. However, because he wanted to delight his boy, he decides to give his cultural demands and adopts Simon so that he can be portion of the household. Similarly, Wong Kar-wai notes that successful love affair is dearly-won to the stakeholders involved. Chow and Su’s love affair is dearly-won is the sense that they get separated by work and distance. They besides suffer from neighbors’ examination due to the Chinese civilization ( Chow 2007, p.65 ) . Decision Clearly, love affair is depicted as a complicated matter by Ang Lee’s movie. the complication in this involves assorted facets include same-sex relationship, parents’ opposition, cultural beliefs, costs and forfeits that need to be made. Lee demonstrates that love affair is a natural, self-generated, and dearly-won phenomenon in the society. Besides, Lee shows that love affair can be between same sex persons, hence ensuing in homosexual relationship as it happens between the supporters in the movie. It is besides apparent in the movie that love affair can go on and thrive across political, cultural, societal, spiritual, and racial backgrounds, as it happens between Simon and Wai in the movie. This contrasts with Wong Kar-wai’s thought of convenient love affair hindered by distance and work-related factors. Although Wong Kar-wai ‘s movie brings out normal love affair between a adult male and a adult female, the relationship fails every bit compared to the su ccessful homosexual love affair in Ang Lee’s movie. Mentions Chow, R 2007,Sentimental Fabulations, Contemporary Chinese Films: Attachment in the Age of Global Visibility, Columbia University Press, Michigan.pp.65-69. Cui, M 2007,The Cinema of Wong Kar Wai: Chinese and Western Culture Differences in Narrative Cinemas, Universal-Publishers, Sydney. Pp.4-9. Deutelbaum, M & A ; Poague, L 2009,A Hitchcock Reader, John Wiley & A ; Sons, New Jersey. Pp.51-59. Hamamoto, DY & A ; Liu, S 2000,Countervisions: Asiatic American Film Criticism, Temple University Press, Hong Kong, Pp. 265-280. Marcus, L & A ; Nicholls, P 2004,The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century English Literature, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Pp. 545. Martin, F & A ; Heinrich, L 2006,Corporal modernnesss materiality, representation, and Chinese civilizations, University of HawaiE »i Press, Honolulu: Pp. 30-70. Smith, WG 2010,Socrates and Subtitles: A Philosopher ‘s Guide to 95 Challenging Movies from Around the World, McFarland, Hong Kong. pp. 173-187.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Docu: Meaning of Life and Affirmative Team Essay

I DEFINITION â€Å"Substantial† means considerable or to a large degree — this common meaning is preferable because the word is not a term of art Arkush, 2002 (David, JD Candidate – Harvard University, â€Å"Preserving â€Å"Catalyst† Attorneys’ Fees Under the Freedom of Information Act in the Wake of Buckhannon Board and Care Home v. West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources†, Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, Winter, 37 Harv. C. R. -C. L. L. Rev. 131) IIVIOLATION IIISTANDARDS A. Limits: The debate must be limited to interpretations that are predictable, fair, and debatable. 1. Predictability: The negative must be able to accurately predict what is to be debated. If we cannot, all fairness and educational value is lost. 2. Contextual: The definition is taken from a source, which represents an expert in the field. This is the definition we should look at to accurately interpret the meaning of the resolution. IVVOTING ISSUES A. Topicality is a rule of the game. Life all games, rules are established to ensure fairness and integrity of the game. Topicality does this. B. Topicality is an affirmative burden. The affirmative plan must be topical. Otherwise, the negative team wins the debate. C. Topicality is A Priori and a jurisdictional issue. The judge has the right and responsibility to vote against the affirmative team if they are not topical. The judge should not look at any other argument or reason to vote for the affirmative if they are non-topical. D. Topicality maintains educational value. By requiring the affirmative team to be topical, the negative can prepare and requiring the affirmative team to be topical preserves the education value of debate. E. Topicality ensures clash. Debate cannot occur if the affirmative team is allowed to debate non-topical cases. It is the negative responsibility to clash, just as it is the affirmative teams to be topical. I DEFINITION â€Å"Substantial† means considerable or to a large degree — this common meaning is preferable because the word is not a term of art Arkush, 2002 (David, JD Candidate – Harvard University, â€Å"Preserving â€Å"Catalyst† Attorneys’ Fees Under the Freedom of Information Act in the Wake of Buckhannon Board and Care Home v. West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources†, Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, Winter, 37 Harv. C. R. -C. L. L. Rev. 131) IIVIOLATION IIISTANDARDS B. Limits: The debate must be limited to interpretations that are predictable, fair, and debatable. 3. Predictability: The negative must be able to accurately predict what is to be debated. If we cannot, all fairness and educational value is lost. 4. Contextual: The definition is taken from a source, which represents an expert in the field. This is the definition we should look at to accurately interpret the meaning of the resolution. IVVOTING ISSUES F. Topicality is a rule of the game. Life all games, rules are established to ensure fairness and integrity of the game. Topicality does this. G. Topicality is an affirmative burden. The affirmative plan must be topical. Otherwise, the negative team wins the debate. H. Topicality is A Priori and a jurisdictional issue. The judge has the right and responsibility to vote against the affirmative team if they are not topical. The judge should not look at any other argument or reason to vote for the affirmative if they are non-topical. I. Topicality maintains educational value. By requiring the affirmative team to be topical, the negative can prepare and requiring the affirmative team to be topical preserves the education value of debate. J. Topicality ensures clash. Debate cannot occur if the affirmative team is allowed to debate non-topical cases. It is the negative responsibility to clash, just as it is the affirmative teams to be topical. Maya Garabedian Boise High School INCREASE *to make greater IDEFINITION IIVIOLATION IIISTANDARDS A. Limits: The debate must be limited to interpretations that are predictable, fair, and debatable. 1. Predictability: The negative must be able to accurately predict what is to be debated. If we cannot, all fairness and educational value is lost. 2. Contextual: The definition is taken from a source, which represents an expert in the field. This is the definition we should look at to accurately interpret the meaning of the resolution. IVVOTING ISSUES A. Topicality is a rule of the game. Life all games, rules are established to ensure fairness and integrity of the game. Topicality does this. B. Topicality is an affirmative burden. The affirmative plan must be topical. Otherwise, the negative team wins the debate. C. Topicality is A Priori and a jurisdictional issue. The judge has the right and responsibility to vote against the affirmative team if they are not topical. The judge should not look at any other argument or reason to vote for the affirmative if they are non-topical. D. Topicality maintains educational value. By requiring the affirmative team to be topical, the negative can prepare and requiring the affirmative team to be topical preserves the education value of debate. E. Topicality ensures clash. Debate cannot occur if the affirmative team is allowed to debate non-topical cases. It is the negative responsibility to clash, just as it is the affirmative teams to be topical. Maya Garabedian Boise High School TRANSPORTATION *movement from one place to another. IDEFINITION IIVIOLATION IIISTANDARDS A. Limits: The debate must be limited to interpretations that are predictable, fair, and debatable. 5. Predictability: The negative must be able to accurately predict what is to be debated. If we cannot, all fairness and educational value is lost. 1. Contextual: The definition is taken from a source, which represents an expert in the field. This is the definition we should look at to accurately interpret the meaning of the resolution. IVVOTING ISSUES A. Topicality is a rule of the game. Life all games, rules are established to ensure fairness and integrity of the game. Topicality does this. B. Topicality is an affirmative burden. The affirmative plan must be topical. Otherwise, the negative team wins the debate. C. Topicality is A Priori and a jurisdictional issue. The judge has the right and responsibility to vote against the affirmative team if they are not topical. The judge should not look at any other argument or reason to vote for the affirmative if they are non-topical. D. Topicality maintains educational value. By requiring the affirmative team to be topical, the negative can prepare and requiring the affirmative team to be topical preserves the education value of debate. E. Topicality ensures clash. Debate cannot occur if the affirmative team is allowed to debate non-topical cases. It is the negative responsibility to clash, just as it is the affirmative teams to be topical. Maya Garabedian Boise High School INFRASTUCTURE *basic, underlying framework or features of a system IDEFINITION IIVIOLATION IIISTANDARDS A. Limits: The debate must be limited to interpretations that are predictable, fair, and debatable. 1. Predictability: The negative must be able to accurately predict what is to be debated. If we cannot, all fairness and educational value is lost. 2. Contextual: The definition is taken from a source, which represents an expert in the field. This is the definition we should look at to accurately interpret the meaning of the resolution. IVVOTING ISSUES A. Topicality is a rule of the game. Life all games, rules are established to ensure fairness and integrity of the game. Topicality does this. B. Topicality is an affirmative burden. The affirmative plan must be topical. Otherwise, the negative team wins the debate. C. Topicality is A Priori and a jurisdictional issue. The judge has the right and responsibility to vote against the affirmative team if they are not topical. The judge should not look at any other argument or reason to vote for the affirmative if they are non-topical. D. Topicality maintains educational value. By requiring the affirmative team to be topical, the negative can prepare and requiring the affirmative team to be topical preserves the education value of debate. E. Topicality ensures clash. Debate cannot occur if the affirmative team is allowed to debate non-topical cases. It is the negative responsibility to clash, just as it is the affirmative teams to be topical. Maya Garabedian Boise High School INVESTMENT *putting money in something offering profitable returns. IDEFINITION IIVIOLATION IIISTANDARDS A. Limits: The debate must be limited to interpretations that are predictable, fair, and debatable. 1. Predictability: The negative must be able to accurately predict what is to be debated. If we cannot, all fairness and educational value is lost. 2. Contextual: The definition is taken from a source, which represents an expert in the field. This is the definition we should look at to accurately interpret the meaning of the resolution. IVVOTING ISSUES A. Topicality is a rule of the game. Life all games, rules are established to ensure fairness and integrity of the game. Topicality does this. B. Topicality is an affirmative burden. The affirmative plan must be topical. Otherwise, the negative team wins the debate. C. Topicality is A Priori and a jurisdictional issue. The judge has the right and responsibility to vote against the affirmative team if they are not topical. The judge should not look at any other argument or reason to vote for the affirmative if they are non-topical. D. Topicality maintains educational value. By requiring the affirmative team to be topical, the negative can prepare and requiring the affirmative team to be topical preserves the education value of debate. E. Topicality ensures clash. Debate cannot occur if the affirmative team is allowed to debate non-topical cases. It is the negative responsibility to clash, just as it is the affirmative teams to be topical. Maya Garabedian Boise High School TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE *framework related to all modes of transportation IDEFINITION IIVIOLATION IIISTANDARDS A. Limits: The debate must be limited to interpretations that are predictable, fair, and debatable. 6. Predictability: The negative must be able to accurately predict what is to be debated. If we cannot, all fairness and educational value is lost. 1. Contextual: The definition is taken from a source, which represents an expert in the field. This is the definition we should look at to accurately interpret the meaning of the resolution. IVVOTING ISSUES A. Topicality is a rule of the game. Life all games, rules are established to ensure fairness and integrity of the game. Topicality does this. B. Topicality is an affirmative burden. The affirmative plan must be topical. Otherwise, the negative team wins the debate. C. Topicality is A Priori and a jurisdictional issue. The judge has the right and responsibility to vote against the affirmative team if they are not topical. The judge should not look at any other argument or reason to vote for the affirmative if they are non-topical. D. Topicality maintains educational value. By requiring the affirmative team to be topical, the negative can prepare and requiring the affirmative team to be topical preserves the education value of debate. E. Topicality ensures clash. Debate cannot occur if the affirmative team is allowed to debate non-topical cases. It is the negative responsibility to clash, just as it is the affirmative teams to be topical.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Narrow Identities and Violence

Personal identity of individual includes many feature of the individual such as race, religion, profession, personal interests, ethnicity, and language among other attributes. Yet all over the world we see individuals and groups defining themselves in narrow and exclusive terms. We take the view that, in day to day life, the different aspects of personality remain latent. Social and economic context present a background against which individuals choose to retain these different possibilities or to commit to one of these possibilities and to renounce the others. Religious Indentity and violence There are few topics that challenge the capabilities of historians more than religion and violence. When the two subjects are combined, the challenge is only increased. How do historians, discuss the often extreme, or alien manifestations of religious belief?And how should we explain religiously motivated violence—or violence that seems to be inspired by religious beliefs or authorities? Religious and violence opens up a very territories for our consideration. This is the assumption that religious violence is really not fundamentally about religion that other interests, claims, or identities of an economic, ethnic, political, or even psychological nature are at stake. With this assumption it seems to imply that religion can be reduced to something else.I certainly endorse the idea that in most situations in medieval and early modern ages, religious violence is â€Å"really† about religion. This may be less true of more recent times. I wonder, however, how consistently useful it is to think of religion as a social identity in medieval and early modern ages. Situations certainly existed in which people assigned religious labels to one another and/or thought of themselves as part of a religious group, most obviously in religious borderlands or in regions where multiple religious groups lived alongside one another. But the insight first provided by Wilfred Cantwell Smith and subsequently refined by a number of historians, namely that it was only over the course of the late Middle Ages, and especially in the wake of the Reformation, that the concept of â€Å"religion† took on something approaching its modern sense of an organized set of beliefs and practices about the divine rather than an attitude of piety toward the gods, is an important one to keep in mind. And while it is certainly true that many forms of religious violence in late medieval or early modern Europe were directed against neighbors assigned some fixed label such as â€Å"Jews,† â€Å"Dalits,† incidents of religious violence may have been especially likely to occur at moments when new beliefs were spreading into an area and the religious situation was far too fluid to be neatly defined. So when public scenes of disrespect to the consecrated host sparked violent Catholic retaliation in France around 1560, the violence was motivated by outrage against those so depraved as to attack God's body, but the clash cannot be usefully analyzed as one between two groups with fixed social identities. The violence was all about rival beliefs and their public manifestation and defense—a clear matter of â€Å"religion† as a symbolic system. To go from there to speaking of religion as an irreducible identity is a linguistic step it probably isn't useful to take.

Research methodologies, section of Philosophy,Subjectivity,Objectivety Essay

Research methodologies, section of Philosophy,Subjectivity,Objectivety and Ethical consideration - Essay Example Interpretivist believes that thorough analysis can only be conducted in the natural settings of the study while the researcher participates in this natural environment and interprets its subjective understandings. Interpretivist further argue social research has multiple dimensions and according to their research philosophy the effects of researchers own opinion and effects of researcher’s presence upon study cannot be neglected. They concede that knowledge has multiple facets of reality while with the intervention of the researcher, the environmental settings multiply and many aspects come to the screen which help in accessing more and more scientific knowledge. These multiple realities can be explored by multiple structured processes but their interpretations are very difficult to explore because they have interdependent epistemologies (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Now this intermingled knowledge can be accessed through examining the social construction of the settings and through subjective interpretations which is the backbone of interpretivism doctrine (CARSON, 2001).). It implies that interpretivists design researches considering the social structures and values of the environment under study which makes the research structure and methodology to be more flexible and judgmental because interpretivist attempt to get through multiple dimensions of the research. In order to design a humanly interactive research model which can perceive multiple realities; the interpretivists come in contrast with positivists who focus more empirical analysis. Interpretivist researcher like other researchers also have prior insight of the research topic but as their belief assert the concept of multiple, complex and unpredictable realities; they don’t rely on prescribed research design rather they have the perception to adapt interactive and collaborative ideas according to the natural social construction of reality. This sense of adaptability among interpretivists mar k their research authenticity with the belief of human ability to adapt and explore multiple realities with the passage of time and experience (Hudson and Ozanne, 2005). Positivists try to explore cause and effect of any study and then generalize the estimated result over the whole population while interpretivists struggle to examine specific human and social emerging behaviors such as in a society if death of an individual has taken place, interpretivists will analyze the motives, reasons, timing and context of mourn in the society and then will specify their cultural and traditional epistemology in the process (Hudson and Ozanne 1988). Philosophy of interpretivism assert that human and social behavior cannot be generalized because sociological dealings are way different than natural sciences. Interpretivism further assert that social reality and epistemology is not out there to be collected rather it has to be explored through subjective analysis. Philosophical base of Interpretiv ism states that in examining social reality and knowledge objectivity has no place while positivist contrastingly support that seeing is believing. 3.3.2 Positivism: Positivism is the philosophical doctrine of social science research which follows the belief that social research should be conducted on the methods of natural sciences (Heywood; 2000). Positivists believe that knowledge is out there and that is required

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Principles of marketing management (case study) Essay

Principles of marketing management (case study) - Essay Example s is more focused upon the internal factors i.e., strengths and weakness and the external factors i.e., opportunities and threats which is observed from the analysis of the organizational situation. It helps to satisfy what our target market wants. SWOT analysis helps the company to do better in fields where it lacks and also gives information as to where there strength lies (Ferrell and Hartline, 2005). Another analytical technique used by marketing professional is known as PEST which stands for Political, Economic, Sociological and technological factors and how these might affect the organization. This analysis helps to identify the external issues that the product and the organization might face and which might ultimately hinder the growth of the product (Williams and Green, 1997) Technology is an important key factor that helps to achieve quality products in a cost effective manner. The utilization of better technology in New product development department of company is helping to achieve new quality products. Essential market planning serves as an important base for the market planning. The analysis depends upon the statistical analysis of everything that makes up the market such as the households, business and even the number of workers in a market. The market analysis is further divided into market segmentation and focus on the target market (Berry, 2008). The STP model stands for market segmentation, market targeting and product positioning. This model is particularly helpful in prioritization of the important factors within a market and the delivery that concept to the relevant audiences (Hanlon, 2013). Market segmentation is one of the ways to specifically focus on the target market. With the help of market segmentation, the target market is divided into groups of people with similar needs and wants. This helps in the analysis of the markets to achieve an upper hand in the market (Weinstein, 2004). Market Segmentation: Two groups includes those who

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Homework II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Homework II - Essay Example It is the hope of this author that such a unit of analysis will be beneficial to the individual with regards to seeking to understand the changes that the Affordable Health Care Act portends for the daily life and economic situation of the reader/stakeholder within society. Firstly, it must be understood that the federal agency tasked with ultimate implementation of this law is that of the Health and Human Services Department of the United States federal government. As such, this department has received a vastly increased budget as well as an increase in positions of individuals who will be responsible for the distribution and oversight of the Affordable Health Care Act. Ultimately the Health and Human Services Department is a cabinet level office that is tasked with seeking to impact upon â€Å"Improving the health, safety, and well-being of America† (Graham 1). As such, the docket number and RIN for the Affordable Healthcare Act is as follows: 0938-AR51. ... This is intended to be effected by mandating that the individual should integrate with at least some level of healthcare for themselves and for those within their family. Moreover, the Affordable Health Care Act also proposed a reconfiguration of the way in which the insurance industry within the United States sought to deal with â€Å"pre-existing conditions†; a hardship that formerly saw many tens of thousands of individuals denied coverage (Pipes 1). Finally, with regards to an overall summary concerning the basic interests for and against the legislation, it must be understood that the Affordable Health Care Act does not solve the issue of the uninsured within society. Due to exceptions and the possibility of â€Å"opting out† the uninsured can still exist; however, they will now be responsible for paying a yearly penalty for remaining uninsured. Another key shortcoming with regards to the proposed law is the fact that individual small business owners within society who might have otherwise continued to add jobs and higher more individuals since the economy has started to come back to life, are now hesitant to engage in any such action due to the fact that the healthcare bills that small firms will be saddled with, on the part of their employees, will be exorbitantly high (Avik 16). This is of course compared to the way in which healthcare costs were evidenced prior to the legislation being proposed and/or taking place. However, with regards the ultimate benefit and interest to society, it must be understood that the Affordable Health Care Act allows for a great reduction in the overall number of individuals who would have gone uninsured otherwise. By providing an incentive to become insured in reducing the overall level of obstacles that it formerly

Monday, August 26, 2019

What effect did World War II have on the nation's industries, and how Essay

What effect did World War II have on the nation's industries, and how did the war revolutionize the U.S. economy both immediately and in the long term - Essay Example Women came out to work in masses. Nearly 19 million women were employed in various jobs in 1944. Most of the money the women earned went to savings, improving the economy of the country preposterously.1 When the soldiers started to return home after the war, the families were eager to spend on happy reunions. Also thousands of men returning from the battlefields needed employment. This led to massive increase in the consumer products market.i There were just 8 shopping malls in the U.S. by the end of the war, which increased to over 3500 by 1960. The Eisenhower era2 which prevented another catastrophic atomic war boosted the growth of several industries which transformed into huge corporate companies in the later part of the century.ii The rapid emergence of the equality in rights propaganda in the post war period, led to the framing of Civil Rights Act of 1964, the most revolutionary legislative piece in the U.S history. It eliminated all racial, ethnic and gender based discrimination in the working area, making the country a haven for labor

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Case Study Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case Study Analysis - Assignment Example Rise of secondary ticket market is affecting the profitability and brand value of several leagues and sports teams. It is clear from the case study that the teams in NFL are facing several critical issues due to growth of secondary ticket industry. Issues and Problems It is true that the pricing of tickets is influencing by the organizational and economical factors along with the perceived value of the spectators. National Football League is the most popular and leading sporting event in United States. It is a seasonal event. Day-by-day, the popularity of this event is increasing significantly. Looking into these aspects, the brokers used to purchase large number of primary tickets from the ticketing management organizations of the league or several NFL teams. It is actually affecting the image of the organizations and team managements. Brokers or ticket agents generally sell these tickets to the spectators based in higher price comparing to the developed price by the organization. T he price of tickets is generally set depending on the previous year’s success, income, profit, revenue and demand of customers. This secondary ticketing process is making it difficult for the target audiences to buy the tickets at same price that is developed by the team management.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Economy of Ancient Athens Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Economy of Ancient Athens - Research Paper Example Hellenistic period corresponds with the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and the annexation of the original Greek by Rome (Oliver, 2007). Athens is considered as the cultural centre of the Ancient World. During this period, Athens city was no longer in imperial power and struggled to maintain the existing territory overseas in Cleruchies and Attica (Amemiya, 2007). Military and political dynamics influenced the economy of Athens during this period by making it more fragile. The ongoing war in Attica required the Athenians to protect their grain reserves. The Athens significantly contributed to financing the city and defense from enemies (Oliver, 2007). Thesis statement: the Ancient Athens economy had a dual system of financing that included taxation and private contributions that were geared at financing the grain supplies during famines and wars. The Hellenistic period in Athens ranges between 322 BC and lost of the Athenian naval power in 229 BC during the Lamian war. The Lam ian war (323 B.C – 322 B.C) was fought by a coalition of cities including Athens and led to the Macedonian victory and death of Alexander the Great. ... The loss of the Athenian naval power and subsequent loss of Mounychia during early Hellenistic period shifted the available resources to the defense of the rural areas in order to protect the local grain production (Rostovzeff, 1967). The defeat also limited the capability of Athens to import grains due to diminished revenues and increasing aggression with the neighboring grain producing states and cities. The Athenian authorities were eager to develop a military with a clear command, infrastructures and enough manpower to counter any threats to the countryside grain reserves (Amemiya, 2007). In this case, the defeat limited the grain production capacity since many men were forced to join the military and defend the local grain production (Jones, 1940). The trade policy was aimed at securing vital commodities such as timber and grain and also providing revenue. The Ancient Athenian state was closely intertwined in political, social and economic circumstances and sought to promote tra de in order to secure imports (Amemiya, 2007). Athens started honoring elite native citizens and also foreign potentates who provided large scale trade thus declining the power of the demos (Jones, 1940). Majority of the people were small scale farmers that were largely subsistence but they bought goods like metals which they could not produce. The agricultural foods produced were grains, vegetables and olives (Rostovzeff, 1967). The Hellenistic monarchies in Athens raised enough grains for their own consumption and also export. However, natural disasters and droughts sometimes damaged the harvest thus leading to a severe shortage of grain. The Athens paid for their grain through exporting olive oil and wine that found a lucrative market in

Friday, August 23, 2019


CORPORATE OWNERSHIP, GOALS, and GOVERNANCE - Research Paper Example Blair looks at the rights of owners and concludes that shareholders do not have sufficient rights to be called the corporate owners. The article details the rights that owners have such as the right to acquire and dispose off assets and a right to get profits generated by the asset and its sale. The article claims that shareholders do not possess all these rights instead it is distributed to various stakeholders. The article argues that since these rights are not possessed by shareholders, it cannot be said that they are the owners of companies. The author also says that calling shareholders the owners of companies cannot guarantee them the rights of owners. However, the author in conclusion advocates for not distributing these rights because they may discourage investment. The distribution of rights between the shareholders and managers is also discussed. The shareholders, given that they contribute capital, have a right to elect the directors. Directors are the ones who make invest ment decisions on behalf of the shareholders. The shareholders do not possess the ultimate right to control the decision making of managers. The author says that this is because in large corporations the shareholders may be so many that even the managers may not know some of them. Shareholders also have limited liability and so cannot be responsible for the debts of firms. This author says this denies them the ultimate right to say that they are the owners of the firms. To support his argument, the author looks at how corporations create wealth. She says that wealth creation in a firm is not just because of the share capital of shareholders, but other stakeholders such as customers, employees and suppliers also make special investment contributions that are important to the company. The authors say that all stakeholders in the firm are investors. She gives an example of employees who dedicate their time and human resource to serve the firm. Even though they are compensated, they nee d to be recognized in the ownership of the firm. In conclusion the article discourages the view of looking at ownership of firms in terms of assets invested. It argues that the employees also create wealth for firms and their contribution must be respected. The article puts up a strong defense for inclusion of other parties, especially the employees in the ownership of firms. This view is good, but it fails to state what level of ownership can these stakeholders posses. Inclusion of employees as owners of firms just by virtue that they help in wealth creation would present a complex scenario in the ownership and management of firms. The only recommendation would be that the employees should be encouraged to buy shares in the firm so that they can be part of owners. â€Å"Corporate Ownership and Governance† by Connelly Brian et al The aim of this article is to demonstrate that corporate governance is not a reserve of the board of directors but also owners participate in the go vernance of firms. They do this by looking at the different forms of corporate ownership and how they influence decision making in the firm. They divide this in two categories, outside ownership and inside ownership. Inside Ownership This is when stock is held by the insiders. These insiders tend to make decisions that favor the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Earth Essay Example for Free

Earth Essay Earth is the planet on which we live. Earth is the third planet from the sun. The particles which compose of the mass of the earth but more particularly the particles which from the mould on the surface of Earth. The Earth is the largest member of the group of inner planets and is also the most massive. When the Earth is compared with its planetary neighbors, marked similarities as well marked differences are found. Of course, what singles the Earth out from any other planets is the fact that it has an oxygen-rich atmosphere and a temperature that makes it suitable for life of the kind we can understand. Were the Earth slightly close to the sun and slightly farther away, life here might not have developed. The purpose of this research is to let us learn more about our Planet that we are living and also aims to help us understand more about our planet. Even we have an idea what Planet Earth is all about, we must dig deeper and know the characteristics of Earth that we haven’t yet know. `The completion of this paper was made possible through my research in library, and computers. Some books, encyclopedia, dictionary, some magazines computer encyclopedia and other website, I got all I want to know. They are very helpful for my research, and thanks be to God for giving me wisdom to do this term paper alone and by myself. Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the densest and fifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System. It is also the largest of the Solar Systems four terrestrial planets. It is sometimes referred to as the world, the Blue Planet, or by its Latin name, Terra. Earth formed approximately 4. 54 billion years ago, and life appeared on its surface within one billion years. Earths biosphere then significantly altered the atmospheric and other basic physical conditions, which enabled the proliferation of organisms as well as the formation of the ozone layer, which together with Earths magnetic field blocked harmful solar radiation, and permitted formerly ocean-confined life to move safely to land. The physical properties of the Earth, as well as its geological history and orbit, have allowed life to persist. Estimates on how much longer the planet will be able to continue to support life range from 500 million years (myr), to as long as 2. billion years (byr). Earths crust is divided into several rigid segments, or tectonic plates, that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years. About 71% of the surface is covered by salt water oceans, with the remainder consisting of continents and islands which together have many lakes and other sources of water that contribute to the hydrosphere. Earths poles are mostly covered with ice that is the solid ice of the Antarctic ice sheet and the sea ice that is the polar ice packs. The planets interior remains active, with a solid iron inner core, a liquid outer core that generates the magnetic field, and a thick layer of relatively solid mantle. Earth gravitationally interacts with other objects in space, especially the Sun and the Moon. During one orbit around the sun, the Earth rotates about its own axis 366. 26 times, creating 365. 26 solar days, or one sidereal year. The Earths axis of rotation is tilted 23. 4Â ° away from the perpendicular of its orbital plane, producing seasonal variations on the planets surface with a period of one tropical year (365. 24 solar days). The Moon is Earths only natural satellite. It began orbiting the Earth about 4. 53 billion years ago (bya). The Moons gravitational interaction with Earth stimulates ocean tides, stabilizes the axial tilt, and gradually slows the planets rotation. The planet is home to millions of species, including humans. Both the mineral resources of the planet and the products of the biosphere contribute resources that are used to support a global human population. These inhabitants are grouped into about 200 independent sovereign states, which interact through diplomacy, travel, trade, and military action. Human cultures have developed many views of the planet, including its personification as a planetary deity, its shape as flat, its position as the center of the universe, and in the modern Gaia Principle, as a single, self-regulating organism in its own right Formation The earliest material found in the Solar System is dated to 4. 5672Â ±0. 0006 bya; therefore, it is inferred that the Earth must have been forming by accretion around this time. By 4. 54Â ±0. 04 bya. The primordial Earth had formed. The formation and evolution of the Solar System bodies occurred in tandem with the Sun. In theory a solar nebula partitions a volume out of a molecular cloud by gravitational collapse, which begins to spin and flatten into a circumstellar disk, and then the planets grow out of that in tandem with the star. A nebula contains gas, ice grains and dust (includingprimordial nuclides). In nebular theory planetesimals commence forming as particulate accrues by cohesive clumping and then by gravity. The assembly of the primordial Earth proceeded for 10–20 myr. The Moon formed shortly thereafter, about 4. 53 bya. The Moons formation remains a mystery. The working hypothesis is that it formed by accretion from material loosed from the Earth after a Mars-sized object, dubbed Theia, had a giant impact with Earth, but the model is not self-consistent. In this scenario the mass of Theia is 10% of the Earths mass, it impacts with the Earth in a glancing blow, and some of its mass merges with the Earth. Between approximately 3. 8 and 4. 1 bya, numerous asteroid impacts during the Late Heavy Bombardment caused significant changes to the greater surface environment of the Moon, and by inference, to the Earth. Earths atmosphere and oceans formed by volcanic activity and outgassing that included water vapor. The origin of the worlds oceans was condensation augmented by water and ice delivered by asteroids, proto-planets, and comets. In this model, atmospheric greenhouse gases kept the oceans from freezing while the newly forming Sun was only at 70% luminosity. By 3. 5 bya, the Earths magnetic field was established, which helped prevent the atmosphere from being stripped away by the solar wind. A crust formed when the molten outer layer of the planet Earth cooled to form a solid as the accumulated water vapor began to act in the atmosphere. The two models that explain land mass propose either a steady growth to the present-day forms or, more likely, a rapid growthearly in Earth history followed by a long-term steady continental area. Continents formed by plate tectonics, a process ultimately driven by the continuous loss of heat from the earths interior. Ontime scales lasting hundreds of millions of years, the supercontinents have formed and broken up three times. Roughly 750 mya (million years ago), one of the earliest known supercontinents, Rodinia, began to break apart. The continents later recombined to form Pannotia, 600–540 mya, then finally Pangaea, which also broke apart 180 mya. Evolution of life Highly energetic chemistry is thought to have produced a self-replicating molecule around 4 bya and half a billion years later the last common ancestor of all life existed. The development of photosynthesis allowed the Suns energy to be harvested directly by life forms; the resultant oxygen accumulated in the atmosphere and formed a layer of ozone (a form of molecular oxygen [O3]) in the upper atmosphere. The incorporation of smaller cells within larger ones resulted in the development of complex cells called eukaryotes. True multicellular organisms formed as cells within colonies became increasingly specialized. Aided by the absorption of harmful ultraviolet radiation by the ozone layer, life colonized the surface of Earth. Since the 1960s, it has been hypothesized that severe glacial action between 750 and 580 mya, during the Neoproterozoic, covered much of the planet in a sheet of ice. This hypothesis has been termed Snowball Earth, and is of particular interest because it preceded he Cambrian explosion, when multicellular life forms began to proliferate. Following the Cambrian explosion, about 535 mya, there have been five major mass extinctions. [55] The most recent such event was 65 mya, when an asteroid impact triggered the extinction of the (non-avian) dinosaurs and other large reptiles, but spared some small animals such as mammals, which then resembled shrews. Over the past 65 myr, mammalian life has diversified, and several million years ago an African ape-like animal such as Orrorin tugenensis gained the ability to stand upright. This enabled tool use and encouraged communication that provided the nutrition and stimulation needed for a larger brain, which allowed the evolution of the human race. The development of agriculture, and then civilization, allowed humans to influence the Earth in a short time span as no other life form had, affecting both the nature and quantity of other life forms. The present pattern of ice ages began about 40 mya and then intensified during the Pleistocene about 3 mya. High-latitude regions have since undergone repeated cycles of glaciation and thaw, repeating every 40–100,000 years. The last continental glaciation ended 10,000 years ago.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Learning in the EYFS Essay Example for Free

Learning in the EYFS Essay Knowledge and understanding of the world Knowledge and Understanding of the World relates to children’s everyday lives, their homes, families, other people, the local environment and community and the wider world. Personal, social and emotional development The social and emotional development of a child helps practitioners/parents understand the behaviors they exhibit. Though children develop and mature at different rates, social and emotional development generally occurs in predictable stages. Communication language and literacy Childrens learning and competence in communicating, speaking and listening, being read to and beginning to read and write must be supported and extended. They must be provided with opportunity and encouragement to use their skills in a range of situations and for a range of purposes, and be supported in developing the confidence and dispositions to do so. Problem solving reasoning and numeracy This area mostly focuses on a child’s ability to solve simple problems and builds an awareness of shapes space and measures. Practitioners do this by looking at shapes, numbers, building bricks etc. Physical Development Children are encouraged to take part in a variety of physical activities. Children develop physically at different stages and times. This area helps practitioners to keep track of each individual child’s development. Creative development Being creative covers a multitude of ideas including how children express and communicate ideas. They can explore all sorts of media (eg ICT, music) and materials. They will also develop their imagination through play. Although they are all different a good planned activity will cover more than one area of development. For example, playing a snakes and ladders board game will help a child with their Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy mainly but it will also help them with their Communication, language and literacy development as they are being encouraged to communicate with other children playing the game. Also the areas are interdependent if the child is struggling with one area it can affect how they develop in other areas. For example, if a child is disabled and cannot join in physical activities this can affect their physical development but it can then also affect their communication, language and literacy and Personal, social and emotional development because they aren’t joining in with the same activities as their peers. This can be avoided or at least limited by good planning and inclusive practice. 1.2 Outcomes are given to the different areas of learning within the EYFS to ensure that practitioners have something to focus on. These outcomes are outlined within the EYFS as â€Å"overarching principles† these are: Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates. The framework covers the education and care of all children in early years provision, including children with special educational needs and disabilities. And three main areas of development which are; Physical Development – This is the development of a childs physical skills. It includes the Gross motor skills, such as walking, jumping, running, catching and the fine motor skills such as the pincer grip, hand-eye-coordination, doing up laces or zips. Personal Social and Emotional Development The social and emotional development of a child helps practitioners/parents understand the behaviors they exhibit. Though children develop and mature at different rates, social and emotional development generally occurs in predictable stages. Communication and Language Development Language development is the process by which children come to understand and communicate language during early childhood. 1.3 The documented outcomes are assessed by practitioners in different ways. On-going assessments are carried out in settings frequently. Practitioners plan an activity, observe the child/children, record information and evaluate the outcome. If needed they then plan another activity and repeat the process until they get the information they need. These are also known as â€Å"formative assessments† and they are an integral part of the EYFS framework. It helps parents, carers and practitioners to constantly monitor a child’s progress and pick up on and solve problems if there are any. At the age of two a child has a progress check. This is when practitioners review their progress and produce a short written summary of a child’s development in the main areas of development. This helps to make sure a child is on track with their development and helps to identify any areas that a child may be developing at a slower rate than is expected. This can also pick up on any dis abilities or learning difficulties. If a practitioner does pick up on a learning difficulty they should put together a plan to support the child’s future learning and development. Practitioners must discuss with parents how the outcome of the assessments can be used to support the child’s development at home, and parents are encouraged to share the outcome with any relevant professionals i.e. a teacher or a health visitor. In the final term of the year in which the child turns five practitioners must complete the EYFS profile for each child. This profile must reflect on-going observation, all relevant records held by the setting, discussions with parents and carers, and any other adults whom the teacher, parent or carer judges can offer a useful contribution. The profile lets parents, carers and other professionals have an overview of a child’s knowledge, understanding and abilities, their progress against expected levels, and their readiness for year one. Year one teachers are given a copy of this profile and it will outline whether the child is meeting, exceeding or not yet reaching the expected levels of the early learning goals. I think assessments are important to Practitioners and other professionals like teachers because it helps them to work together to identify any problems that may arise with a child’s development and address the problems quickly and effectively also if the child is very quick at development it can be spotted and they can be given extra planned work to stop them from getting bored. I think it is also good for parents because they have guidance on how to help their child’s development at home.

World Leaders And Their Leadership Styles History Essay

World Leaders And Their Leadership Styles History Essay Adolf Hitler is recognized worldwide for his leadership in the Nazi Party and also as the chancellor of Germany during the early period of 1930s. His leadership style was autocratic leadership as he believed in acting like a dictator and focused on making decisions on his own. He never trusted his generals and felt no need of having two-way communication as he wanted to have complete legitimate power in everything. Hitler believed that the ultimate authority resides with him and it should never be extended downward. He made decisions that were supportive in enhancing his legitimate power. Any mistake made by the followers was unacceptable and punishments were given for wrong doings (Megargee, 14). Since Hitler was reluctant to take advice from anyone and made all decisions on his own, his followers did not like this attitude and started developing ill-feelings towards him. From the analysis of Adolf Hitlers leadership style, the leaders of the todays world have realized that they cannot be a dictator and cannot get the work done by forcing their followers (Popper, 64). The modern leaders and managers in organizations have ensured that they implement collaborative methods so that the followers and subordinates are part of the team and the joint efforts will ultimately produce positive results. The leaders who have adopted this style of leadership have faced strong resistance from their followers and even received less support from them in accomplishing the ideal objectives. Mahatma Gandhi is among the favorite personality of most of the leaders worldwide and majority of them want to follow the leadership style followed by such an inspirational man (Barnabas and Paul, 135). Mahatma Gandhi had a servant style of leadership which is described as the style in which a leader takes care of his followers even before they start taking care of themselves on their own. This inspirational leader emphasized that the struggle should be done in non-violent manners without using any harmful weapons; the leader had to face severe problems such as beating by the British police and getting locked up in the prison when he started fighting with British for independence of India. Gandhi had a clear vision about the independence of Hindus and was able to communicate this vision effectively to dispersed people by using simple and inspiring language. One aspect that was stressed by the leader was never to accept defeat and keep on striving hard because success will eventually; the moral is that people should never lose hope and continue the efforts until the goal is attained (Nojeim, 30). His personality is a source of inspiration for the leaders and managers of todays world that no matter how challenging the situation gets it is important to boost the morale of oneself and the followers. As a leader, the person should motivate his/her subordinates until the victory is gained in the particular mission. Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln had the desire of serving his country so that he could bring revolutionary changes that will be beneficial for its people in the long-run. Abraham Lincoln had a servant leadership style; one of the vital components of this form of leadership is the importance of ethical values i.e. working for the benefits of the people and this aspect was evident in the leadership style of Lincoln (Hubbard, 21). The servant leader wants to lead the people because he/she has internal desire of serving the people; the person does not need any legitimate power to bring the changes. Abraham Lincoln focused on the sustainability element which meant producing a lasting change that will finally lead to the transformation of others. The leader was provided the opportunity of demonstrating his leadership traits during the American Civil War; he had two lasting impacts on the world i.e. freeing the slaves and preservation of the Union (Polelle, 40). During his Presidency, Lincoln followed a prudent and careful leadership to bring about mandatory reforms in the United States of America. The leader also set the example of the paramount democracy in the world and even extended the liberty opportunity to every American. In present times, Americans have been given the full liberty of expressing their feelings and fighting for their rights and it has revolutionized the way in which democracy should be implemented by the leaders so that projected results are successfully accomplished. Even in organizations, the work culture has been changed i.e. employees are motivated to share their ideas and claim their rights as the organization is compelled to fulfill all the requirements of its workforce. Alexander the Great At the age of twenty, Alexander became the king and in eleven years of his journey he fought more that seventy battles and never lost any one of them. The leadership style of Alexander the Great is visionary leadership as he shared the vision with his people to motivate them to inspire them in achieving the well-set goals (Polelle, 23). From the analysis of the leadership traits of Alexander the Great, it is evident that he had set certain set of principles to inspire his followers such as show people that they are considered to be valuable and are given importance in every decision by seeking their opinions, lead by example so that people are inspired to follow the leader, innovation should be encouraged so that something new can be done and every action should be taken after creating a vision so that there is clarity about the goal that will be achieved (Cartledge, 14). In todays world, the leaders have realized that they need to first follow what they tell their followers so that the leaders can gain their trust. When any decision is made, it should be done on a consensus manner so that everyone agrees to it and they can see the big picture clearly. A visionary leader communicates to his followers the effectiveness of the entire process and their importance in this process so that their production level gets accelerated. Julius Ceasar Julius Ceasar was an exceptional general and one of the important leaders in ancient Rome. In his life, he held almost every vital title in the Roman Republic such as tribune of the Roman people, consul, well-known priest and high positioned commander of the army (Freeman, 32). He dared to introduce new laws that were easily approved by the Senate and he is recognized globally for improving the ways in which the provinces were governed and he even developed his own army. After conquering the Rome, he became the master and started ruling the place like a dictator. Caesar used his power for carrying out the needed reforms, relieving huge amount of debt, revised the calendar and enlarged the Senate. He was assassinated by his enemies in 44 B.C. (Popper, 70). It shows that a dictator has less chances of gaining appreciation by the followers as all other leaders who have followed the dictatorship style of leadership have never been able to get the support of their people and have faced unfortunate deaths in the form of assassination. Hence, the dictatorship leadership is not acceptable by people as the leaders tend to focus on their own benefits rather than on the followers needs. Napolean Napolean was among the best conquerors of the world and his efforts are recognized globally. During the French Revolution period, the leader took various important decisions that proved to be harmful for his followers (Blaufarb, 42). Although the positive aspects of his personality were that he had a clear vision about his goal, had the ability of motivating the people to achieve the desired goals and ensured that he took proper care of his people. However, his followers believed that the leader made decisions that were beneficial for himself and cared less for them. Napolean has received a lot of criticism for being a dictator as many wrong decisions were taken by him that severely impacted the lives of people. Since he was an ambitious person, he started making decisions without taking consent of his followers and started giving commands to his army (Polelle, 62). When he got carried away in the lust of power, he had to face defeat by the Russian Army on his way back to Austria; it shows that the dictators or autocratic style of leadership is among the least preferred styles of the leader. When a leader becomes a dictator, his/her relationship with the followers starts to get deteriorated and eventually it breaks. Napoleon is still considered to be the best conqueror in the world as he had the highly exceptional intellectual capabilities. Genghis Khan Genghis Khan was among the noteworthy leaders of Mongolia who conquered most of the Asian and European areas; his style of leadership is classified as a combination of autocratic leadership and participative leadership. Genghis Khan was considered a dictator because whenever he conquered any of the regions he would give only two options i.e. either surrender or get killed. However, when working with his army, he used to take their opinion and share his ideas with them so that they can develop a strategy for the implementation of the plan successfully (Ratchnevsky, 26). Genghis Khan moved to the loyalty to himself and he even started to deal with his adversaries in an inappropriate manner. Anyone who opposed to his conquest and power had to suffer from an extreme blow. Since Genghis Khan started treating people in a brutal way, he was assassinated later by his enemies (Man, 51). It has become important for todays leaders to realize that they can be successful only when they have cordial relations with their followers and they try to incorporate their demands so that a healthy relationship is created which will last for a long period. The autocratic leaders will face strong resistance from their followers so it is advisable to use it to minimal extent to ensure control within the organization or legal body but it should not be followed excessively as it will create problems such as retaliation from subordinates in the long-run. George Washington George Washington had a servant leadership style as he had the vision of revolutionizing everything in US during his presidency. He knew that he can motivate the people only by developing an inspirational personality and he did extensive efforts for creating the desired image. He even motivated his people to provide him support in attainment of the goals so that the set vision can be accomplished (Northouse, 72). The main characteristics of his personality as a leader were that he was willing to accept any challenge and face it; he was persistent in achieving the set targets; and was brave enough to handle all the issues and provided help to his people in resolving them. Since he had no lust for power and wanted to work for the benefits of his people, he always ensured that the decisions made by him were in accordance with the requirements of the country. As he was a trustworthy president, people started showing their loyalty to him and provided their complete assistance so that they could successfully implement any necessary change in the country effectively (Bongilla, 35). The leaders who want to gain the support of their followers have to develop their personality that has certain key traits such as confidence, integrity, courage, self-discipline and clear vision. George Washington is the best example for all those leaders who want to do something beneficial for the country and get the support of its people. Franklin D. Roosevelt Franklin D. Roosevelt is recognized for helping U.S. to get out of the Great Depression period in 1930s by helping the people in rebuilding their self-confidence. His leadership style is a combination of charismatic leadership and transformational leadership as he inspired the people to get back on their feet and initiate the activities to help the country get out of the dark times. Roosevelt provided his people various avenues to do a lot of creative thinking but with a focused approach; he first set out the vision so that everyone was aware of the final goal that has to be attained (Greenstein, 45). The best lesson learnt from the leadership of Franklin D. Roosevelt is that fear is something that needs to be conquered and there is nothing to fear about. The leaders can take inspiration from such an extraordinary leader who taught people how to maintain their focus on specific vision and face the challenges with courage and bravery. It is mandatory for every leader to accept the challenge of life and work and be prepared to handle them with confidence and will power to counter the challenge. Since the changes happen at a fast pace these days, the leaders have to remain alert all the time for the problems that can arise and they should react to them in a calm and an organized way. Winston Churchill Winston Churchill leadership style is classified as transformational and charismatic leadership; he was among those leaders who always kept the people motivated by delivering inspirational speeches. During the World War II, Winston Churchill provided immense support and guidance to the Great Britain by developing strength and courage among the people (Nordquist, 2). As a leader, he focused on three important aspects for developing a charismatic personality that comprised of elements such as excellent communication skills, creating a vision so that everyone is able to keep a focus on single goal and developing trust so that people are willing to provide their support to the leaders. From the leadership style of Winston Churchill, it is evident that the leaders have to develop a charismatic leadership by strengthening the bond with their followers so that everyone is part of the team (Axelord, 34). When the entire team shares a common vision, only then conflicts, problems and issues can be resolved. As most of the organizations have to undergo changes, they will face resistance from the people; communication is the key to resolving this issue by sharing with them the purpose of the change along with showing them the vision. Hence, excellent communication and well-designed vision can inspire people to work hard and support their leaders in achieving the desired goals. Conclusion The world leaders have demonstrated different leaderships and they have been successful in accomplishing various challenging tasks. Regardless of the dictatorship style, some of the common features that are important for the leaders and organization in todays world are creating a vision so that everyone has an idea about the goal that will be achieved in the long-run, motivating people to make valuable contributions and developing excellent communication skills so that a clear, concise and right message can be communicated to everyone. Therefore, the leaders and managers have to realize that they can achieve their objectives by getting support from their followers and subordinates and showing them appreciation for making valuable additions by offering them excellent rewards. The leaders have to develop a charismatic personality so that they can inspire their followers and should lead by example so that positive results can be attained.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Mart :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The largest and most successful company in the world is now being ridiculed for the way in which it has risen to the top. Wal-Mart is accused of setting a bad example for American companies by squeezing producers for low prices, outsourcing manufacturing jobs, discriminating in the workplace and for the inhumane treatment of employees. What these critics don’t understand is that there are positive aspects to what Wal-Mart is doing. Wal-Mart is good for America because it embodies capitalism. It constantly improves the productivity of American retailing, encourages competition and outsourcing, provides quality items at a low cost, is a stepping stone for retail workers, and creates business opportunities for other companies. Voted â€Å"America’s Largest Corporate Cash Giver† by Forbes magazine in 2003, Wal-Mart is also very generous to charities around the world. Wal-Mart is not detrimental to our economy or our country. It is a fundamental puzzle piece that is merely a strong player in today’s neoliberal game of capitalism. Lets face it, the good old days when producers dictated what appeared on the shelves of stores is now over, and in place is a buyer-driven chain where the consumer dominates. Now you have the choice of what to buy, where to buy it, and for the price you want. That is the great thing about global capitalism, it sparks competition.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Competition in the market is a good thing for consumers and helps achieve the lowest prices one can possibly find anywhere in the world. Wal-Mart is driving prices down through its competitive bargaining strategy for its manufacturing costs. By holding prices at a low level, inflationary pressures are relieved and the economy is a lot steadier.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By selling items for less than average, Wal-Mart allows its customers to acquire more than normal when shopping in the store. Lower prices also mean more money is left in the pockets of consumers. This allows opportunities for businesses of all types. If the consumer doesn’t spend all their money at Wal-Mart, they will most likely go out and spend it somewhere else. That means more money spread across the economy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The low prices we enjoy at Wal-Mart indirectly come from the outsourcing of American manufacturing jobs. By sending low skilled jobs overseas, the overall prices of items decline tremendously. Some Americans will be left without a job for a short period, but it is through outsourcing that the global economy becomes most efficient.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Home Education Essay -- essays research papers fc

Education is a major concern in our society, and there is good reason for this concern. Many of these problems revolve directly around the public education system and include problems with peer pressure, lack of individual attention from the teachers, problems socializing or â€Å"fitting in† with other students, and various others. Although there is no real solution to all of these problems, there are many different ways of solving them. Private schools as well as tutors are a great way to give kids the individual attention that they need, however these methods can be very costly. Something that has grown in popularity over the last decade is home schooling. This system has been around for generations; children learn at home while helping their parents out around the house. Many great men including Patrick Henry, John Quincy Adams, and Thomas Edison were schooled at home (Talbot, 2). Home schooling definitely does not solve all the problems that are brought about by educatio n, in fact it brings about its own chain of problems, but it does have a great deal of advantages. Parents are the most important influences in their child’s education next to their teacher. â€Å"†¦research shows conclusively that parents’ involvement in their children’s education confers great benefits, both intellectual and emotional, on their children† (Coleman, 1). This is why it is so important for parents to get involved in their children’s lives at an early age. Home schooling is a wonderful way to be involved. One of the main reasons that so many people are attempting to home school their children is because of the freedoms offered by it. These freedoms include religious freedom and the freedom to choose the curriculum for starters. Compared to 1985 in which there were only about 50,000 children home schooling nationwide, there are now anywhere from 1.5 to 1.9 million. Their population is growing by as much as 15-20 percent a year according to Florida’s annual survey of home schoolers (Talbot, 1). This poses an interesting qu estion. Why is home schooling so much better? It can not be just because of the religious freedoms that the students are allowed. The students are also allowed many more freedoms than regular children are. Home schoolers can choose when they want to do their studies, take a few days off when they want to, go on a field trip, etc. This makes it much more appealing for... ...ood. Home schooling opens many doors for both the parent and the student and will be a great experience if they are willing to put their time and effort into it. Works Cited Eco, Umberto. â€Å"The Future of Literacy.† Literacies and Technologies. Ed. Robert Yagelski. Addison Wesley Longman: New York, 2001. Talbot, Margaret. â€Å"The New Counterculture.† The Atlantic Monthly. Nov. 2001: 136- 143. United States. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Home Schooling Information. 5 Nov. 2001. Coleman, James. Parental Involvement in Education. Washington, D.C.: June 1991. Hancock, Roger. â€Å"Building Home-School Liaison Into Classroom Practice: A Need To Understand the Nature of a Teacher’s Working Day.† British Educational Research Journal. Sep. 1998: 399-415. Beresford, Emma; Botcherby, Sue; Hustler, David; McNamara, Olwen; Rodrigo, Marta; Stronach, Ian. â€Å"Room to Manoeuvre: Movilising the ‘Active Partner’ in Home- School Relations.† British Educational Research Journal. Sep. 2000: 473-500. Maiers, Angela; Nistler, Robert. â€Å"Exploring Home-School Connections.† Education & Urban Society. Nov. 1999: 3-18.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Illegal Immigration Essay -- American Government, Social Issues

Illegal Immigration and Health Care With the economy of the United States in shambles, illegal immigration and the effects it has on health care can no longer be ignored. America has a whole needs to be concerned and well informed of the issues rather than collecting information piecemeal by way of media or other biased groups. If illegal immigration stays its present course the American tax-payer will continue to fund the well being of individuals who have broken federal rules and regulations and are being supported by law abiding citizens. This argument is not about individual rights to live and prosper. It is not about race or discrimination of any sort. It is only about the effects on health care that I am addressing. California has been plagued by budget deficiencies in recent years. Layoffs have been rampant as well as public service spending. According the governor, â€Å"The state was unable to balance the budget because of money spent on illegal immigrants† (Jacobsen 71). If this is the case, why has their not been an immediate demand for reform concerning illegal immigration? Jacobsen continues, â€Å"Services such as providing dental care to poor women and the elderly, treatment for drug-addicted pregnant women, and prenatal care in general would need to be cut because of the costs associated with illegal immigration† (71). When immigrants come across the border illegally, they directly affect health care for American citizens. This should not be tolerated and reform should be implemented as quickly as possible. Reimers states that â€Å"curbing illegal immigration could save $280 over the course of a decade† (97). The amount of money being spent on illegal imm igrants is massive. Not only that but the conservative re... ...uires distinguishing the categories of persons we desire to admit and setting minimal criteria for their admission† (155). Minimal is the keyword. As it stands the process for citizenship is arduous to say the least. We must go back to an earlier era such as the where boatloads of immigrants would arrive in New York. They would stand in line for hours if not days to get documented and obtain legal status. Few were turned away. If we did the same for our southern neighbors everyone would be in the system and would contribute to our society by way of consumers, laborers and tax-payers. Americans would then recognize Mexican immigrants not as invaders, but as a fellow human beings, contributors, and citizens of the United States. Health Care would no longer be burdened and aid could be given without breaking the backs of both government and tax-payer alike.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Bill Gates: Leader and Role Model Essay

Bill Gates is an effective leader and leadership role model and he is my choice for a role a model. Bill Gates has demonstrated and employed good leadership skills to be a successful business man. He has also demonstrated why he is a good role model for those who want to become leaders themselves. I believe that I share many of the leadership traits with Bill Gates and that those traits will help me in my plan for success. The reasons I chose Bill Gates as my leadership role model are as follows: he is one of the founders of Microsoft and has shown good leadership with the decisions he has made running the company and is also in the same field as my career of study which is programming. Bill Gates has many qualities of a leader, but most notably is the fact that he drove his employees hard and himself harder (Boyd, 1995). Throughout the years Bill Gates has shown his leadership capabilities through his dedication and hard work by the ever growing success of Microsoft. Another example of his leadership ability was when he released Windows 3.0 and won the battle for the first GUI operating system, he did this by keeping his hand involved in all the major, potential competitors to his pet project while also continuing development of his own product (Boyd, 1995). A few of the characteristics of an effective leader are knowing the industry in which you plan to work, building your team so that you have sufficient help to accomplish what you set out to do, and most importantly develop a vision and solid goal so the people that work for you know what they are working towards (Hill, 2009). Bill Gates has these traits as well as many more such as being motivated, being intelligent, and being hard working. In his earliest days developing DOS he would joke about what he called his seven-hour turnaround: leave the office late at night, go home, eat, sleep, and be back in the office only seven hours later, and he was proud of it (Boyd, 1995) this just goes to show how hard working he was. My own personal strengths that I have noticed are math, reading, technology (Cook, Week 2 CSI Summary, 2011), and being logical when it comes to problem solving (Cook, Personal Profile(Week 2 Journal Entry), 2011) which I believe I share with Bill Gates. The reasons I believe that these personal strengths will help me to succeed are that it will make it easier to solve work related problems because of my logical thinking process (Cook, Personal Profile(Week 2 Journal Entry), 2011). Also these strengths are an ideal match for the career path that I have chosen with is computer programming. In the field of programming you need to be efficient in all of these areas in order to succeed. Critical thinking is going to play a big part in my plan for success; it will help me to improve upon myself and to make better decisions, not only in my personal life but in my career as well. It will help me to not only know what company I should work for, but also provide me with the best way to tackle particular projects at work. Leadership skills will also play a big part in my plan for success by making it easier to accomplish my goals and giving me more options for my career. By having leadership skills I won’t be limited to just being a programmer I could in fact be a lead programmer heading up and directing an entire team. Accountability will help me to increase my chances of completing my goals of having a higher paying job that I love, like leadership skills will, but in a different way. It will make me more responsible because I am taking accountability for my actions whether it is positive or negative results. So by employing motivation, intellect, and hard work along with other leadership qualities Bill Gates has made Microsoft the company that it is today. So, with a little determination, hard work, and know how anyone can be like Bill Gates and create a thriving company. So in conclusion we should all strive to be like Bill Gates and be just as motivated and hard working in everything we do. References Boyd, A. (1995). Smart money: the story of bill Gates. In A. Boyd, Smart money: the story of bill gates. (pp. 9-26). Greensboro: Morgan Reynolds Inc. Cook, W. (2011). Personal profile(week 2 journal entry). Rockford. Cook, W. (2011). Week 2 csi summary. Rockford. Hill, C. (2009, April). Daily news. Retrieved August 14, 2011, from Serrano, G. (2009, April). The gates’ leadership. Retrieved August 14, 2011, from Trends Updates:

Friday, August 16, 2019

Overcoming the Improvement Paradox Essay

Quality improvement programs are designed based on research, a company’s needs and the promise of improving the functioning of a business, both from a management standpoint and in the eyes of the employee. Research proves that they are not only productive, but necessary. In fact it is suggested that without a quality improvement program, businesses may fail. The reality is that most programs end in failure. The European Management Journal has termed this the â€Å"Improvement Paradox.† They have identified an inability of management to implement an improvement program as a dynamic process is the main reason for that failure. The term dynamic is used to identify a process that is ever changing, ongoing, and responsive to the needs of the company and to the needs of the employee. The process must identify issues and concerns and then be implement changes based on those issues and concerns. This is where the process falls short. Failure to monitor the feedback of employees and make necessary changes can lead to â€Å"unanticipated and even harmful side effects.† (2) The internal dynamics of an organization will impact the success or failure of an improvement program. Management needs to recognize three issues prior to implementation of a quality improvement program; what will the trade off be between current performance levels and future performance levels, managers need to ensure that their level of commitment is passed on to employees, and finally, as the program improves, managers will need to shift their focus and adapt for further gains. As stated previously, any improvement effort may have unanticipated events. The first effect noted may be a decrease in production or the time that employees have to focus on output. To overcome this problem, it is recommended that employees not focus on a numerical production quota, but rather devote a certain percentage of each day to working on quality improvement. Without allowing for the change in production, processes will be overlooked and may create a crisis. Managers need to allocate a portion of employee time to improvement efforts, separate of what they need for production. The second challenge is in initiating and sustaining employee commitment to the improvement process. There are two sources of commitment for improvement programs; managerial push and employee pull. Managerial push is the effort to promote improvement efforts of mandate employees to participate. Employee pull refers to an employee’s understanding of the need for improvement and commitment to the process. Employee pull will have the greatest impact on the success of the improvement process. The tendency is for managers to be very enthusiastic initially, but sustaining the enthusiasm becomes difficult. If employees are located in an area that is separate from management or one that is difficult to supervise, the challenge becomes even greater. Self-reinforcing feedback will have the greatest impact on sustaining the improvement process. Employees need to perceive that improvement efforts will be beneficial. In determining the success or benefit of a program, employees measure their expectations with the progress that is made. If expectations are set too high, the improvement process is likely to fail. The improvement goals need to be defined in measurable terms as well as defining a completion date. It is common to underestimate the amount of time needed to complete the improvement goals. If the goals and the timeline are not realistic, it is likely to result in a lack of funds and time available to meet the goals.   Any improvement process requires that the employees be trained for the process and that communication exist between management and employees to allow for a thorough exchange of communication. In addition, an infrastructure needs to be created that will support the process. Seldom will one improvement process cover the entire organization, resulting in a multitude of changes taking place concurrently. Because these processes are taking place in one organization, they must share resources, as in time and money. The benefit is that often the process that helps improve one department can be carried over to another department and implemented, provided there are adequate personnel and resources. Once an improvement process is successful, increased productivity can lead to layoffs. This can create fear in employees and not provide motivation for them to be successful. One way of guaranteeing their success is to provide them with job security if they participate in the program. Successful improvement may also create more demand than an organization is able to meet. This can cause more problems within the organization. Organizations often go into an improvement process without being fully prepared, which ultimately ends in disaster and perhaps with even more challenges than were present previously. Management fails to recognize the organizational and economic challenges that will take place and ultimately stand in their way without adequate planning. Further, organizations fail to plan for the unanticipated effects of improvement training. The overall process is straightforward, but may take more planning than most companies plan for. To improve quality overall is not simply developing a plan and putting into action. It requires assessing where you are and identifying where you would like to be. In the midst of that process, organizations and managers will need to evaluate and reevaluate to determine if they are meeting their goals, and if not, what changes need to be made. Research has proven that total quality management has the ability to improve work settings and improve employee satisfaction, and therefore ultimately improve customer satisfaction and the bottom line. Organizations want quality improvement, however the â€Å"improvement paradox† creates a situation that may not be affordable. If improvement is desired, to what extent are companies willing to accept the unanticipated results? What â€Å"extra† resources are available to deal with changes as they arise? This plan, created to deal with the crises that occur during a â€Å"quality improvement process,† provide an excellent plan for organizations to deal with the changes as they occur. Further, they provide warning for those issues that were not anticipated. Pushing people harder generates immediate, visible returns, but subtle, long-range problems. Changing the organizational processes to help people work smarter, however, can actually cause productivity to fall in the short term. So managers take the safe route and focus on people, usually pressuring for more results and less cost. Unfortunately, most organizations cannot get past that initial boost in productivity in the work harder scenario and the initial sag in the work harder approach. But if you want permanent improvement for your sales organization, it will take an investment in process. There are ways to minimize the sag in productivity, but they may require a corresponding increase in resources assigned at the start. But it can be worth it†¦the vicious cycle of the work harder approach becomes a virtuous cycle where productivity continues at a high level, and profitability climbs dramatically. References Keating, E., Oliva, R., Nelson, P., Rockart, S., Sterman, J. 1999. Overcoming the Improvement Paradox. European Management Journal. As found